
Requirements Before Adopting a Small Rescue Dog
Please read the steps carefully before filling out the application.
Note: Since dogs are fostered in our private homes, it is not possible to simply “come and meet them.”
Please visit our calendar of events to see when our next Meet & Greet is scheduled.
Step #1: Complete the application below. Please note that all questions marked with a (*) are required fields.
Step #2: Please give us (one) 1 week to review and process the application. Calling and emailing will only delay your application. You should contact your veterinary reference and give them permission to release information about your pet’s health history/records to our rescue representative.
Step #3: Once your application and vet check has been approved, you will be contacted to schedule your home visit.
An AAP volunteer will contact you to discuss a date and time that is mutually agreeable. We prefer that all members of the household be present for the home check. The volunteer must have access to all rooms of the home including the garage, basement, and any outbuildings. If access to any of these areas is denied, the application will be automatically declined.
Final Step: Once the application and home visit has been approved, you will receive a call from an AAP representative for a phone conversation to discuss any additional questions or concerns about the new addition to your family.
Note: Our rescue dogs are our number one priority. Therefore, we do not make exceptions to our policies. We reserve the right to refuse an applicant at any phase in the adoption application process.
*Please Review Our Adoption Guidelines Before Completing the Application Below
If the dog you’re interested in has specific requirements, such as needing a fenced yard, no small kids, etc… MUST meet those requirements to be considered for that dog. NO EXCEPTIONS
We accept multiple applications on every dog, once the applications are screened, All About Paws makes a decision based on the best match for the dog. ALL questions MUST be answered.
Adoption Application New
If the dog you’re interested in has specific requirements, such as needing a fenced yard, no small kids, etc… MUST meet those requirements to be considered for that dog. NO EXCEPTIONS.
We accept multiple applications on every dog, once the applications are screened, All About Paws makes a decision based on the best match for the dog. ALL questions MUST be answered.